08 February 2022

Trials of Various Kinds

 Once again, it has been a while. I enjoy going back and looking here every once in a while, even if no one ever reads it.

Universally, 2020 & 2021 were hard for most. Constant divide over opinions and our country seemingly (and quickly) heading towards communism. It's a scary time! But I have been reminded over and over that God is the one in control of the nations. In several places in Scripture he flat out says so :) Thankful for that. And thankful to know He doesn't make mistakes. He also doesn't promise it'll be easy.

In Jan of 2021, we left our church of nearly 10 years. In Feb my mom landed in the hospital with sepsis and stage 4 cancer. It was of course, very challenging. Though she there is no detectible cancer now, it is very likely to return. I have learned a lot about letting go.

In Aug we lost one of C's closest and dearest friends at the age of 34. One month later we were in a car accident that nearly killed us. C is still dealing with the effects of 15 broken bones. It was a miracle we made it out.

Everyone keeps saying that God was looking out for us, and He was. BUT. What about our friend? Why didn't He save him? He left behind a wife of less than 5 years and a 6 month old baby. 

Our minds cannot understand God's ways. He works things together for His purposes. This past year has truly deepened that notion in me.

Now I am learning how to move forward. Homeschooling is going fairly well so far and both boys are treasures (most days ;)). We definitely have hard moments.

I hope, in the end the Lord will find me faithful to Him. As I approach a very uncertain future with a present that is discouraging at times, I know He is in control.