04 April 2013

Starting once again

I've started this blog & then deleted it several times. Perhaps this time it will stick? Who knows :)

The Lord has blessed me with a new and different season in my life, one which I never expected. Since before Casey & I were married, it was a desire of our hearts that once we had children I would be able to stay home with them. When my contract ended with Camp Thurman last summer (2012), we prayed through it and decided that I should stay home for an uncertain amount of time. Everyone's dream right? It's actually a bit daunting.

However, now it is April and I am (mostly) more at peace now than I ever have been. It's hard to pinpoint exactly why, but it is an amazing blessing.

I know one fundamental purpose is that God has literally stripped me of everything I found my identity in. I am no longer a student, I'm not working (though society has expectations that I should, so that makes meeting new people or explaining to old friends I haven't seen in a while a bit interesting at times), I wasn't involved directly in a ministry for the first time in 5 years... I'm a homemaker, which has more negative connotation than I thought.

So, I've decided to blog about the things the Lord is teaching me. This might be about "clean living", Bible studies I'm participating in, or whatever else He puts on my heart. I hope that it can bless you, reader, and that He will be glorified :)

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