01 October 2013

It's already October??

Where has the time gone? You can see from the previous post how committed I am to blogging ;). I think I may have a fear of it from the xanga era (and melodramatic teenagedom, perhaps?). But mom Alexander is putting together a family website, so here goes another attempt.

I will try to get Casey to post something sometimes but he barely uses facebook, or any other social media outlet for that matter. We can thank his lack of smartphone and dislike of laptops for that. Sometimes I think it would be a blessing to be "cut off" for a bit.

So, what's been happening in our world since May?

Well, I have grown into my role as a homemaker. People really don't give it the credit it deserves. But hey, to each his own. I've been able to delve into all sort of topics from natural health to running a home efficiently.
Casey is thriving at his job with Chase. It is truly a blessing from God to be a single income family at our age. He is enjoying having what I like to call "boy" activities through airsoft and video games with friends :D Hey, everyone's got to have a creative outlet right?

We have also found a wonderful home church. I've seen God moving and allowing both of us to grow as believers. The journey isn't always easy, but we have a great support system now which is a huge answered prayer in my book.

And our lives are about to dramatically change in December because
We are expecting our first baby!

I'm excited to see where the Lord takes us in this new journey. There is much to be thankful for!

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