29 May 2017

3 years isn't THAT long...

I have enjoyed reading through previous posts and find myself with a bit more time since I deactivated facebook.
Obviously, so much can change in such a 'short' amount of time. Like... we now have two boys instead of just one. #1 is almost 3 and a half now... talks up a storm and is opinionated about everything. He's also got a very kind temperament and is the sweetest big brother. #2's birth threw me for a loop to say the least. But the experience woke my soul up for the Lord in a way I didn't know it needed to be. It's taken a while to recover but I have seen the Him work in so many ways.

We're have become assistant youth pastors at our church (long story). We work with an organization called PAIS & get to meet and serve with missionaries from around the world. Our head youth pastor and his wife are english, but served in spain for 20 years. We also have gotten to know quite a few germans. I love learning about different cultures and views of God.
We have found the best community we have ever had (I think). The church has exploded with young adults/young families. I have had the most challenging studies with a small group of ladies. We've gone through Gospel DNA, Missional Motherhood, and are now studying the armor of God. I'm so grateful for them. I've had a few friends come in that i feel like are my soul sisters too! so thankful.

I have become passionate about homeschooling and creation. I want to learn all the things about these subjects. I want to honor the Lord so very much with this ministry he has given me. I'm nervous and excited to see what the future holds.

Casey's family started a farm that focuses on healthy & humane treatment of animals (and non-GMO too!). They have endured through many trials to get to where they are. We're so proud of them! Check them out over at Xander Farm, if you wish.

I think those are the big points for now. I'm hoping to get into writing a bit more.

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