10 October 2019


I'm not sure how that happened, but here we are. 2019. It doesn't seem possible.

Our boys are growing up. #1 is our extroverted entertainer. He's kind, compassionate and fun. He's also had a few... shall we say... challenging seasons. I have learned more about walking with the Holy Spirit in this season. Discipline is hard! But I pray that he will come out with strong character and someone who seeks to truly know the Lord.
#2 is also a lot of fun. He's just over 2 and in the fun phase where he is finding his voice. I love the season of having to interpret because he's using his own language. I pray the continue to build relationship with each other and grow up to be the best of friends.

So much has happened, I suppose it's hard to narrow it down. We are continuing to serve in youth but are praying about what's next. We hope to find a ministry where we can include the whole family. I'm ready for that change.

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